My New Song Will Be Released Soon :)

Yesterday I sat up late and worked on my computer. I have sent out one of my new songs to be released soon. Feels absolutely wonderful and there is a song in Swedish called the:   Änglarna Beundrar    (Angels Admire )      _20170706_071513 (1)

I like to be able to be free in my music making and to be able to make songs in both Swedish and English.


During this day, there have been some continued work with my own business. There is much to do, so I try to distribute it as good as I can. But since it was late yesterday so it took some time for me to wake up to today. I did everything that I had planned to do yesterday in all the cases, so it is exactly as I want it.
It always feels really nice when I is in phase with everything I want to do and it feels good now when it is according to my plans. I am even a little ahead of my plans regarding some stuff but I have other things that I can do.
Since I have been working a part with manual labor today, so it felt like it was time to make a good supper. It got to be fresh pasta with seafood. Think it was really good and I love the fine colors in which food consisted of. It was simple and easy to prepare for it is almost only to stir everything together 😛 20170709_185540.JPG
Hope you have the best all my lovely listeners and readers
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  🙂 
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Slept 14 Hours :)

Then I slept 14 hours and still trying to wake up here. Yesterday when I would go to my car after my work so I was forced to put me down for a while because I was so sensitive to light. It was overcast outside, but I acted like it was bright sunlight straight into my eyes as I tried to hide myself for the sunlight. So, it is to be me then it could be such this stuff that will both appear slowely and also acute. I had not pain in the head and I was not stressed. Felt really good for the other. When I finally taken me to my car so it was her sunglasses on and it was so liberating. This also happened a week late but then it was not as awkward as this was. This was so that I could barely walk to my car. Now I’m free today and I slept 14 hours. It feels good. 2 weeks ago I started to take some extra vitamins, and it is the only thing that I have added to the body extra, and it is then that the light sensitivity started. I’m pretty sure that I have reached a good level. I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon but it is not so often. It is also the coffee that I drank around lunch time that also asked for it yesterday. It remains to check now is if this would occur then I do not eat vitamins and when I go back to not drinking coffee at lunch time but that just drink coffee in the morning. I am always sure to have a good eye when I bring something new 😛 screenshot_2017-07-02-11-00-11.jpg

Today I am going to work a little bit with the computer, and I will rest. The day becomes as it gets and it will be good so clear 😀

Have a new song at the time as I am soon to send off to be released and here is my existing songs :

Take care of each other and yourselves
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛
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Summer begins when it is Midsummer :)

In Sweden we celebrate midsummer. I have chosen to celebrate the very quiet, which is usually my choice at the holidays. But I feel the best of it and is quite happy to have it quiet. Today I have slept a bit longer in the morning which is really lovely. For me, it feels like summer begins when it is midsummer, and not at all that half the summer has been. My son is on the adventure and have big fun. So this weekend I am free.
Wish you all a HAPPY MIDSUMMER 😛
I have started to work on my summer work now, where I usually work in the summer, but where I also stand as a stand in person. It feels really inspiring and good. I love it and think it is a very rewarding job to work with people.
Big fun that so many of you listen and follow me on Spotify. I am so grateful and glad that you hang out with me on my music journey. Here are my 12 songs and I have more on the way :

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl img_20170510_085134.jpg 😛








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Wonderful Parrot and Peaceful Weekend


It is a lovely and peaceful weekend with my son and with my most wonderful friends. We are like a big family and there is so much love that I am extremely grateful for. Also got a stronger bond to a new friend yesterday which feels awesome and it warms my soul so much. Imagine what wonderful parrots can be and also very stubborn. Hihi just like I am 😛 Will continue this Saturday with structuring up some stuff so it will be a little more order. It is easy to I write down my thoughts on paper to remember them but they will not help if they are not taken care of then. It is so that I get done what I want to get done.

 I have a new album cover to make for my next  song write lyrics and structure them up go to the studio and sing into one of my new upcoming songs

These points are only a small part of all that I have to work with in the future but I like to work with many things at the same time. It works great when I get to work alone and add up how I should use my time. It is then I make the best work and are at a good balanced enerigi level. Often get told by other people that I have good self-discipline and that I know exactly how I operate. I agree with what others say about me at the same time I think that I am constantly evolving in just to teach me further in how I work. How I think and feel there is a long history, so that we take another time. But I have trained and worked to be able to have the structure that I have today. I feel good to live as I do so structured but so liberating.

A thousand Thanks To All of You who Listen to my Music and follow me MinikeGirl here on my blog 😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 😀 


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀

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Gorgeous Flower


Gorgeous Flower, which struck out in its beautiful color. I’m no flower expert so I thought it would take one more day before it would be so beautiful.

After a lovely and wonderful weekend as I continue with it as I usually do. I think it’s so amazing that blogging here, and at the same time be able to live in my dream regarding creating music.

Feel that there soon will be a period where I will write many new songs. Maybe write 10 new tonight or tomorrow already, who knows hihi   😛 
Have 12 of my own songs out on Spotify right now and it feels absolutely incredible and I am so grateful for all the nice feedback that I get all the time of all of you who listen to my music. Many think that I have a lot of good songs that they can relate to. Many think I’m a good singer/songwriter and the most important thing is that I love to write and sing.
A thousand Thanks to you all who read my blog and listen to my music. You are the best in the World and I love you all so much 😛 

 Take Care of each other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 

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Sushi Weekend with Strawberries

screenshot_2017-05-20-22-17-57.jpgIt has been a lovely weekend with a lot of events and also a amount of peace and quiet.

I’ve recorded my next song in the studio, which feels absolutely wonderful.

We have planted the flowers and it has been a lot of football.

Yesterday we went to a restaurant and bought us food home. Was really cozy last night when I ate Sushi which is so good 😛 

Sat a long time, ate and talked. My son can eat with sticks so it is something that we both think is fun to eat with. 


So now this Sunday, there will be a quiet night for tomorrow has my son in his school again.


Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl ????

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