Pure Survival Instinct

Soon it is time for me to record on my next song and it will be really fun, It is a song in Swedish, and I did almost finished the cover yesterday. It is cool that I do the covers myself, for it is something that I did not think was so simply that I, in the beginning. Most of it is probably because I lack patience when it comes to stuff like that. Rather have done them yourself than to be someone who is professionals. It’s fun to dare to be creative in areas that are new to me. I don’t even have to wait on other people to do the covers. 


I Think that it is much easier to have as few people involved in my creativity.So it is lovely and very promotion to control all by yourself. Then there is my Webmaster and my MusicProducer who are the ones who stand me the closest regarding my creativity. They are people who understand me and respect me as a person. They understand often how I think, which few people do. They know that my motivations are strong and they give advice and tips but always say that it is I who decide in the end. I also ask them what they think is best  😛 


It is a fact that I expose my soul through my music and through my blog. It has not always been the case that I have been in such good contact with my soul and with my feelings. Some periods I have been so jaded that I have not known anything at all. Other times, I have felt everything I can feel and everything has been helter-skelter. I have lived in periods where I have closed off all my emotions as pure survival instinct. So I have not always been here, it has been a long and tough journey for me. 

I work every day with myself to all the time be close to my feelings. I can at the same time that I am completely uncaring, in a case know how much of that time in another case. It is when my energy runs out that I can’t keep everything in balance and it is then that I fall together. The blog and my music are very important building blocks for me. It also means that I and my son can live as we do. Working from home as I do means that I can decide my working hours, which will be many hours of the day. 


Yesterday, I cooked really good food. Scallops with seafoodmix. Fantastic good  😛 . Yummy with all these lovely tomatoes in the spices and cream. 
Have the best my wonderful listeners, and readers  😛 
Take Care Of Each Other  
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Yesterday I worked from 07:30 – 20:30 and it means that I went up at around 05:00 in the morning :)

Yesterday I worked from 07:30 – 20:30 and it means that I went up at around 05:00 in the morning. I was quite tired after the session but I was tired in a good way. So today, I’ve slept well and feel ready for the day. It has been good to work now in the summer and now I go from having worked on the schedule to stand in the encirclement. Now it is important to take a few days off to gather energy. When you are  creative as I am  it can be difficult to not do anything but to rest and take care of your  health is actually among the most important thing you can do. Everything need not happen in a day and all these thoughts that go around in your brain goes with a lot of practice to tame. Right now I’m practicing my singing voice haha it goes a little this and that with it, I sit down and write at the same time. I’m thinking about a lot of things at the same time and drinking coffee.

 I’m going to take and plan in the nearest time in my calendar so that it becomes like I want to. It would be good if I had a calendar haha it do I need to buy, I see this 😛 

I have a regular calendar but I need a larger calendar where I get a good place to be able to write much on each day. I’m extremely picky when it comes to the right to buy the calendar but I know wich one that  I want. 
Hope you have a good day my lovely listeners and readers : 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 

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To record more of my songs that I have written :)

Changed some plans yesterday so this Sunday I got to plan about. Sometimes there will be some changes in my planning. So yesterday I cleaned the I and today so I have done a little bit of food. The idea from the beginning was to continue to clean but I have time to continue now in the week. Did really good food just as I’m sitting and eating now  😛 20170820_125436.JPG20170820_125241.JPG 

Amazing what you have access to to be as creative as I am. Even if  I am  not the best at what I do  it will be often good if I believe in myself.

In the near future which will, it is time for me to work more with my music and to record more of my songs that I have written. Because it works so good for me to work as I do so I will continue with it. There is no reason to change what works. This time, I dont  change to anything but even so I have a lot of challenges left that I will fight for. I have a lot of things that I want to get into the daily routine and I have almost succeeded with it. It will be a challenge and I will have to fight to get where I want but it will be worth it. The funny thing is that I already know now that I will be successful with it as I want to. Is about to give myself time and a day so I am there quite easily  😛 

A thousand Thanks to all of You who Listen to my music. Now I have 13 songs out on Spotify: 

Have the best my listeners and readers 

Many hugs Minike  😛 screenshot_2017-07-02-11-00-11.jpg






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MinikeGirl singer songwriter

17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_nYesterday it was a working day for me and then I get up around 5 o’clock which works fine. It is just in time for when I have time to wake up to before my work. This means that I am very tired in the afternoon when I finish at work, but it works. When I came home yesterday so I got to thinking that there is a day tomorrow because I have some things that I want to get done. It is important to be able to put a stop to yourself sometimes. 

What you want to do is not always what you really need to do. They are often things that you can’t do because of the many different factors that come into play. There is also much that one can do, but I have, as a rule try to prioritize it as I have a feeling for. It needed to be done, but that is not so fun, I try to do when I have a good feeling about it. It is so that I build up better and better motivation for the things that I first thought was boring.

It is about constantly getting better and better emotions regarding that which has first been so boring and where motivation is lacking. It is all the time about working up a good motivational plan that is sustainable in the long run. I like the long-term objective, especially when it comes to various chores in even everyday life.

I am a single mother and I can’t clean my home while I wash the car and shop. But I can make about everyday life, so that it adapts to what I’m bothered and have time. It is all the time about structuring and change dagsplaneringen how much energy I have. This is tricky but it is important to do as I do. It is I who go and rest those extra hours when it may seem like there is much to do. It is I who wakes up rested and sometimes do everything that I have not had time to do in a week for a few hours when I sleep. 

I prefer working a little harder when I have had rest and some ”must-haves” will be a little harder to perform as I have expected. For when I’ve got to rest so I am very strong so even though it that I’m doing become heavier so there is no problem.

It is important to have the ability to be able to understand that the time is not always enough and that it has more power than you think with regard to their well-being. It’s all about having reasonable demands on yourself. Thoughts about all the other makes and is like any other is completely wrong statement according to me all other is not like any other. Then you can see the general similarities so clearly. It’s just so terribly weird for me.

  • But when I get to hear that I’m not like all the others so I would like to have the name and social security number of these Alien -people?
  • Of which designed you really on the and I am I, it should be enough? I am medial and wondering so much about this phenomenon for when you utter that everyone other is doing , thinking, think , have , so I don’t see these people around you?
  • Neither in human beings or Spirits?
  • Not in different energies?
  •  What is it that you see that I’m not seeing?
  • And how can you know what people think of it and have it at home? 

 What you see is different people’s facades as they choose to show on the outside. Then, you feel the some people more than others. But I really find not these Alien-People that has the namn ”All The Others ” .  A definitely a new case for the series X files  😛 


If You will find these ”all the others” so you are welcome to contact me it is very exciting  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl   😛 


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I’ve searched and hunted, and ran afoul of myself in my entire life !


I am very pleased that I have been able to work that I have done up to now in summer. There are 2 weeks left and time has gone quickly as usual. There will be more time to be creative regarding the music and it will be a good time. I have a lot that I want to do and have many plans for the future. It is really interesting and exciting to think of what I should do in the future, but it’s actually wonderful to live in the here and now. I am always on the road somewhere. Have just had one of my food periods when I eat almost everything I see.  Feel heavy in the body but it does nothing. In about a week so I am going again with the workouts and more walking. You need to eat in order to be able to work out and be able to build muscle. I have an imbalance in my thyroid there might be some symptoms even though I eat my medicine. But now, it goes in the right direction again  🙂 

Despite some of the bad things now in the summer with both broken relationships and death and stress, so I think I have coped with me well. It is not possible to influence some things and I have learned many times now in life. Broken relationships and friendship is also something that I learned to deal with. Nothing is broken but that it makes something good out of it. I have recently regained contact with many of my old friends from childhood and many of my friendships have become even stronger. I am surrounded by the finest friends that are. The people who know me and know my whole journey but still is jealous of me and where I have come today are people that I will break off contact with. It is completely unreasonable for me to even have those people in my vicinity. The summer has been wonderful in many ways despite the difficulties, there have been incredibly a lot of love. It shows that life goes on whatever happens. 

I am the person who has changed for the better and I have fought to become who I am today. I’ve searched and hunted, and ran afoul of myself in my entire life. Today, I am proud to be me and I am proud of the person I have become. My journey has been more problematic than what many of you know about but the main thing is where and who I am today. So you either see me and respect me for who I am or you have no place in my friendshipcircle at all. I respect myself and it is the most important  but it is also important to surround yourself with people who respect you as you are. Today I have so many people around me who respect me for who I am and it is exactly as it should be. Love You All My Greatest Friends  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n



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My Newest Song First on Charts of 35122 Songs :)

17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_nLovely Sunday for my son and for me. My son made lunch today for us which consisted of meat sauce and spaghetti. It was really good he is really good and likes to cook. In a few days so fill my son 9 years already. The years go by so fast and I’m so happy and proud of my son.

We are a good team and we have a nice little family. We know what want and what we have for future goals in life.
I was really happy when I saw that my newest song reached number ONE on a chart list of : 20170730_172242.JPG Songs 😛 . This is on a online radiostation.

Here is my song that I am talking about :  

It feels absolutely amazing. I keep on working on new songs while I work and have my dear blog. I have a good balance of everything, but when I do more music as it becomes a little less blogging, and vice versa, but it is not so strange. Only I get my sleep and rest so it works as it should and I have time for it as I want to. Think I have so good people around me now who understand that this is what I love to do. People who themselves are very creative and know how it is to give his whole soul for something.

People who can be cheerful for my sake and the people who don’t get envious of me when it goes good for me. I have struggled a long time in my life to be able to get to feel that I’m good at anything so I think it is sad with envy people. Often it is those who do not for any reason able to självförverkliga themselves. My envy of other people was in the past that I thought that all the others could do a lot of things and I am not. The more time passed, I noticed that I certainly can many different things and I am very good at much. This is why I get so happy when things are going good for my music that I’ve written completely myself. Now when I saw that my let low first of all these other songs. For me it is so much better than you can ever imagine but regardless of the investments and attention, I will always do what I’m doing. I will always make music and blogging. 
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs and Love From MinikeGirl img_20170510_085134.jpg
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