Love to just sit and write music :)

I have written music throughout the day and it has been lovely to have been able to do it. Feel so good when creativity presents itself exactly as it did today. Love to just sit and write music. It is a part that must be structured up now but the groundwork is finished. The next step is to find out and focus on those songs that it is time to start making backgrounds. This time, I have started a little bigger and more extensive projects concerning my music. It was so because I was so creative today because there were a few extra songs written hihi  😛  . 

Now I have to do the next time that comes with my music and it feels absolutely amazing. In a week I’m going to brew my coffee properly every day. 




A thousand Thanks to all of you who follow me on my creative journey through life. Thank you all who listen to my music and all the nice words about my latest release, Min Gåva  : 

Take Care Of Each Other  😛 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I Love My Gift :)

Absolutely fantastic to my new song My Gift is released. It feels so fun to finally get to share it with you all. My gift is to be medial and I was born with this. There has been a lot of practice for me to both understand and to actually be able to live with my gift. A wise man once said to me that I would take care of my gift when I was in the United States. It has happened in my life to people I don’t know have come up to me and said that I should take care of my gift. I have always known that I have had my gift at the same time as it could be  scary. For it is like that all the time to live between life and death. I love my gift and I am glad I followed all the great advice to just take care of my gift. Great feeling that I have been able to write a song about what I feel. Today I can both see and hear, and know of other energies and other hand. So it really feels absolutely amazing. I’m good at to transform bad energy to good energy and I am very strong when it comes to running out of various spirits that are going wrong. This is nothing that I work with despite the fact that  I am strong in my abilities. Can happen that I sometimes help other people if I am on site and there is bad energy. 

Today as I sit and work with a lot of things and had to just now go and turn the light off in the room where I sit for it was too bright. Would also need to set me on my exercise machine and workout a little bit because it is important. I feel like I’ve been sitting still too much hihi  😛

I have finally received help to tighten the screws properly on my machine so it is just to run  😈
Continued nice weekend my friends…..
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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New Release ”Min Gåva” Listen Here :)


Thanks to all of you who listen to my music and there are now 14 songs on Spotify  😛

Haha  😛 today so I woke up that I would but managed to fall asleep on. It was run very much when I luckily woke up and saw that the clock was a lot. Now everything is as it should time wise and I can continue to work with my music. It will be a good day and it is nice that it is the weekend. 

I will sit and write music today and also get a few other projects that I have started here at home. It is always wonderful to get it clear. 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 



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My next song is coming out soon, which feels absolutely amazing :)

Today I had difficult to go up because I had not gotten so much sleep. Yesterday I cleaned the I order on a bunch of stuff and then it was hard to unwind. Have known that I was not completely healthy. Hope it gets better soon. It is not fun to barely get up out of bed, but it is sometimes. It feels really good to more order here at home in all cases  😛 
My next song is coming out soon, which feels absolutely amazing. I sent it now in the weekend for my distribution company :
There is so much to do but so wonderful. Will try to go to sleep earlier in the evening so that I am rested tomorrow hihi 😛 


Have it is best of my listeners and readers 
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Today when I opened Facebook so I read that one of my friends died :(


When people die, so I know what happens because I is medial. It is something that I have always known and experienced on my way. It is so sad when young people die. Today when I opened Facebook so I read that one of my friends died. I remember that I interviewed him for the long time no see here on my blog then he is a good Rapper and made music. So good at music and the whole life in front of him. A kind nice person so young and a real fighter. I am thinking of all his family and send all my love to you. I lost one of my best friends when I was younger and I think of him every day. It is still extremely emotional and there is so very missed but I know he is proud of the person that I am today. It gives me strength even in the most difficult moments. Sometimes we’ll talk in our way, but even so, it feels heavy. 

LOVE From MinikeGirl 

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I like it when I can go into a sort of bubble :)

Was a bit interrupted in relation to the which I had planned to do this weekend, for the first I was sick and then I got my son sick. But the best part is that we feel good now. It is the weekend and we can take it easy.

I keep on writing music and it goes well. It will be exciting to see what will become of everything. I’m writing on many songs at the same time now which makes it extra interesting. It is thus that I want to work and work best at this time, however, so it becomes a real challenge. It is for that I work a little different than how I usually do.

Wonderful to just be me and just devote myself to different things. Immerse myself completely and indulge myselves to wherever the creativity takes me. An absolutely amazing feeling. Wonderful to just be in all this 😛 
Time to eat 🙂
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl
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