It warms my heart to see how far we have taken us through life

Have slept really well last night and right now, I hold on to wake up to. There is some paperwork that I need to get the order of which I will arrange today. Also need structure and work on the internet. But otherwise today so I will be working with my music. So it is to do all the time, and the more I work the better everything becomes. Therefore it is important to plan well the entire time and be able to think long-term. I would like to do everything I can myself. It’s a little bit scary, I think, to hire and to entrust the responsibility for my activities to other people and companies. I want to know what happens all the time in everything that I do. It is very important to me. I also know that it takes a little longer everything I plan when I do everything by myself but then it may take the extra time. I have the people I need around me in my work with the blog and the music that I need. They stand close to me and know how I operate. 

I sit and work a lot online and I try out what works and what does not. I think it is very interesting. It has taken me a big to a long time before I began to use Pinterest. I have actually not taken before how I like making music and that blogs would be able to utilize Pinterest in the best way. Every time that I tried to learn Pinterest, so it was not so great  😛 But now I’ve figured out how I’ll do there haha  😛 

Each extra kind of thing that I add will be an extra task for me to plan into my schedule. In a way, so I create a temporary more work for me but in the long term it will do more and more of itself. I think it is fun to do everything and it is very interesting. A lot of work requires that I have a neat and tidy everything is and that is where it is important that the healing time to work away the paperwork that occurs. The more I develop my blog and the more my music that I do is spread the more the work around. I try to blog and music should go hand in hand and join in the development that is taking place. But some moments I have more to do with the music and other moments so I have more to do with my blog. Still think I have a good balance of everything. It feels like I’m starting to get a better balance on the whole and that it is really worth to sit and work those extra hours to reach to my goals. 

Have had amazing conversations with many of my friends now in the recent times. We support each other and we are happy for other’s success. It warms my heart to see how far we have taken us through life. We live in our dreams and we are targeted. But what pleases me most is that despite the fact that we are many who have had it very tough in life, we have always taken us through everything. We are real fighters and I am so proud of my friends. I am so grateful to all my fellow human beings. What’s awesome is that I have had a really big tough now last year. There has been much around that I haven’t been able to do anything about. I have learned some new strategies in order to cope with these things that I can’t do anything about. Everything is a process of life and for me it is about all the time to work not to fall so deep when I fall. Sometimes it is difficult to prevent when it gets to be too much. My life strategies is now so strong that I can resist to actually end up in these depressions. What is all of this that I can’t do anything about will always be so. Therefore, I develop all the time new and stronger strategies to deal with everything in a good way. Last year as I have in all the turmoil got so many new people in my vicinity that I can trust. Good relationships have been even better. There is so much love and friendship that really has gotten stronger bond. You understand that whatever happens as it is always doing the best in even the most difficult situations.

I honor you all my friends who are by my side. I honor you all who have died. You are with me every day and I feel it in my heart and in my soul. Sit and be so grateful that I can actually be of things now-a-days is something that I haven’t even been able to imagine is magical. I never thought that I would get to experience the peace and quiet. I never thought that I would get to feel the inner peace here on earth. So I will continue to do what I love and I will continue to be grateful for everything. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I have many things already booked now this month

Yesterday I was  off to work and today I have been working at home. Started the day with morning coffee outside in the sunshine. It is so lovely when the sun is out and it comes to fit. Good to get Vitamin D also. It has been a really lovely day but now in the afternoon, so I think it actually feels so warm and cozy to be indoors again. I am not an outside person, really, but love to be in the sun and to go for walks. Right now, as we wait for the chicken to be finished in the oven. It takes an hour before it is finished but it wont be felt relatively quickly anyway. It is so good food and really so worth the wait. Tonight, it will be to check on any exciting series on the computer and to rest a bit.

I have many things already booked now this month. So I have decided that it will be a quiet weekend. It is important to get unwind and then to wind up  😛 
I keep on writing the music as always so it happens all the time something here which feels incredibly fun. I’ll soon to musicstudio again to record new music. I found one of my songs on a playlist on Spotify that someone had put there, which is really fun. I have my songs on the other lists but this is extra fun. Since I tried to do a song in a genre that I’m not used to doing music at all so it’s awesome that my song ”Skyddad Adress ” has ended up at a Hip/ Hop playlist  🙂 

A thousand Thanks to all of you who Listen to my Music and follow my blog  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Picture Of My New Shoes :)

Now have my new shoes finally arrived and my west. I have on my new shoes now to get used to me a bit. You already know that I have my own style when it comes to both shoes and clothing. I like the green here, as you can see  😛 

This is not to the ordinariness that I buy new shoes and it doesn’t mean I can’t. It’s just that I walk so much and have stuck to the standard black shoes that I dance in here in one of my musicvideo. Where I got the criticism that I had worn the shoes hahahaha  😛 

It is not tricky with all these critics that come when you do something good? I am so happy with my musicvideo that are exactly like this. I could have been hired a bunch of people and had new purchased clothes and gone in a sports car. But the song is not about that. So You Can : 

Despite the fact that I am not accustomed to stand in front of the camera so I have made this musicvideo to my song YOU CAN. It was a real challenge for me and I am so proud of myself. So I have really not bought new shoes that I got the criticism that I had them in my music video but I have bought them because I can. 

In this musicvideo to my song Shadows Art , so I had these boots : 

It is fantastic to have done 2 music videos and to be able to constantly sit and write music as I do. I get daily many who write to me that they love my music and I write songs that affect them. A thousand Thanks to all of you you are wonderful. 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 
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It will be to set the clock :)


It has been a good day today and it feels like the day has gone fast. I have been and worked. Tomorrow I have my own business to work with, so it will be to set the clock early. There is some stuff that I need to go and leave and also some stuff that I need to get home. What I am going to download I’ll take pictures so you can see what I have bought. Exciting to finally got home my goods  😛 

Now I’m sitting and waiting for my food to be ready. Thought eat and then sleep so that I have the strength to do what I have planned tomorrow. Had intended to sleep long in the morning but changed my mind to go to sleep early and waking up early.

Think it is perfectly okay to be able to restructure their plans a little and this will be for the better.

I have written some of the songs now, in recent days, and it is so much fun. Tomorrow when I have arranged it as I should, so I am going to write some of my songs. A thousand Thanks to you all who listen : 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Proud of and support each other :)









Love my coffee cups are big and nice. It can fit a lot of coffee in them. Today I write music and run a bit facemask. It wears on the skin when you’re sitting in front of the computer as much as I do. Then it is good to nurture their skin with a little extra. 

The best is, of course, if someone comes at unexpected visit when I look like this  😛

As you already understand I am inside my creative bubble here, and would continue to write music. Have talked with some of my good friends and it is fun to plan a little for the future with them.  We share the joy and are proud of and support each other in our successes. Support each other through it that are struggling, and many thing for every progress that we make. Progress in the to develop individually and to get the feel good. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

 Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Get caught up in my creativity :)

Took a lot of coffee today before I started to write music..So there has been a song here in the morning. It is good to start early in the morning then I get more done otherwise, so goes the day so fast and it quickly becomes night. I have all the time lots that I’m working with, so it is important to plan well. But all the time in my schedule so I’m going to new angles and new ways of working. It means that there is all the time available to do  😛 Since I have easy to get caught up in my creativity so I tend to check on the clock when it is reasonable to eat the food. I decide when I’ll train and do other things. When I went in to a real type period then many other things wait. Then it is just to write everything what I can. Every day is different when I work with my business which makes it so fantastic.

I have a lot of scheduled things coming up that I will realize in the future. It will be very exciting. 

Thanks to all of you who listen to my music : 

Follow me on  Instagram If you WANNA  😛 : 

Take Care OF Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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