Amazingly Wonderful :)

17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_nIn my whole life so I have always been so loyal to others to progress to the end was that I lived in as a cult. Opinions were not mine in the end and I stopped living and became something that others wanted, that I would be. Today so trying these people still propagate this sect resembled the invention. Something that suggests a behavior that is not healthy. You have to let other people be. It can be as it has become now with how I handle this. It has become so that I’ve stopped caring about what others want to show up all the time that so perfectly. It is not my responsibility anymore to work for. I have my life and what I want to do in the future. But it will not be released until and then, I get to leave this situation as been around for so long. From a tragedy continued in another, where a part only see their own world all the time. 

Okay for me but I have given up my faith that it will be good in some situations. Therefore I take away my feelings in it all for they really have no where to do. It is not right to keep someone else’s perfect facade is the violation. It is not right that I who have taken me all the way here to have to endure all these abuses and dissatisfaction. Is it not time that these people start to examine themselves instead of all the time to look after the bunch of errors at me. What I’m doing. What I should have done. Point out with nice words and smiles that I am not good enough as I am.I must have a proper attraction force that some people believe that it is free to carp down on me. It goes for a while and it goes a few years. This has worked very well over a long period. Thanks and Applause to You, but now is the show end 😛 

It will feel amazingly wonderful now because I am in another crossroads in my life. A road that I should have taken a long time ago but because of the circumstances and feelings so I stood still. Also, my belief in change made that I got stuck. Go there long enough and my patience is exhausted as it is now, it is time for change.
You know that feeling that feels so good when you closed the other emotions? I have really missed this prosperous. I am worthy to feel good and I have fought hard to be able to have this balance that I have. There is so much within me that makes me so strong. My internal forces have been strengthened now in the past.
 Haha and really today 😛 


Nothing is impossible and I am a problem solver. I think outside the box and it takes me always forward. Just give me time and everything will be good. Chatting with my most Wonderful Friend yesterday who known me for a long time. So now is the future and the question is ………. ??

Are you ready for this ?

I am as Ready as I Can Be 😛 
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😉 

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