All The Force Of Music

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H I am now in a new music creates the period. It means that I will be blogging of course but not be able to operate at the speed that I have done in the past. It is impossible, but I look forward to devoting myself to the music now I have a bunch of songs at once. All the power I need to have to the music. 

So do not call me in the middle of the night and say that I have fallen off the various leaderboards and the like. I know all about this cause  I focus on the music more. I need to sleep also and it is easier to work with trackbacks/links and all right on the nights 😀 …..

My music is spread more and more and it’s really fun, I think. I need to land a bit just in my feelings in all things, both in terms of my blog and my music. It is precisely because it is my biggest interests. I need to catch up with myself and stay up a little bit. I know that I get stuck and just run in. It is so terribly funny. But it may not be unhealthy.

There is a reason why I do not go around and perform with my music. It may not be too much, and I am a person who wants to do lots of things, preferably all at once. I love running the blog and the music simultaneously, but now it is very in time with the music so then it simply becomes less wakeful nights when I am working with the blog.

I agree that the structure of lot of works pertaining to the SEO and to spread my blog. For I can’t be bothered to keep on with everything by myself anymore despite the fact that I think it is so interesting and fun. But I add at the same time would much rather the time in to blogging for the it is the reason I started blogging from the beginning. That I have written. Then it ended with that I was so damn interested in this with SEO.

I have to halt myself you have not how much energy to take of how much you want to. For me, everything in great waves. One day I can feel like a 25 year old and the next day as a 90 year old. So that is why I run when I have the energy, for I know it won’t last forever, but goes in waves all the time. Then it seems to many that you should take it easier when you have the strength but the waves will still, so it has no significance if I take it big quiet when I have the strength, so the strength to remain longer. It does not work so that I can affect my energy that way. Would be simple otherwise. But when the strength is, it becomes that rests more automatically can many believe but then you are even more tired so it is also difficult. I try to make the best of the situation all the time and accept that I work like this.

I am learning all the time new daytrix and I’m not afraid to test new daytrix. But there are those who have become a kind of base in how I handle everyday life. They are, I am very determined for it is they that have taken me this long and all I get and everything I do, I see as a real BONUS in life. I am Grateful.

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 ….

See you all Iam so Gratful 😀 …….


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2 kommentarer

  1. Your focus shall always be on the music, and yourself.

    The blog is a good way to spread the songs, but without new songs what shall you write about 🙂

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