
IMG_3522 It has been an absolutely wonderful day at my work despite the fact that there was not much sleep for me last night. Just when I need several hours sometimes to unwind and able to sleep were disturbed by the fire alarm which howled so loudly that I was more than wide awake. It is really important with fire, and it’s good that they alert you when they have a bad battery.This was very high just and about 100 times higher than usual. This then makes it a Little hard to sleep after that and I went up and ate pasta and cheese to be tired 🙂 ….

 Has 2 new songs on the way out right now to be released and it is really fun 🙂 ….With these 2 new songs and with my other so I will have 10 pieces of my songs out there. It feels absolutely incredible while I am very goal-oriented force in to accelerate in good pac 🙂  ……

 Many people wonder how I get all of my songs and how I will on all the blog posts I write. It is not for me to take any role that you want to read about or hear music from. The point is that it is me that you see and hear. I can stand for everything you read and hear through my music. I think it will be so fun to release my 2 new songs soon, so keep your eyes open 🙂  ……


 Now I’m going to take and continue to work on several of my songs, but first it will be a good sleep in the night. So I drive again tomorrow.


Have the Best My Wonderful Best Listeners and Readers 🙂


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂  …


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