2 New Released Songs Listen Here :)

Lithium Doctor Spiritual Tears

Today I celebrate that there are another 2 new songs by myself. I have now released 10 pieces of my own songs. It feels absolutely wonderful to get to be the singer and songwriter who I want to be and who I am.

I have always had music as something that I want to work with because it is one of the few ways for me to get out my feelings and be creative. Writing for me has always been so liberating. I promise you that there will be many more songs from me because I am working more intensively with music and also with my blog today.


About This Professional recording studio I go to and many people ask about  : 

The studio know exactly how I am thinking and want to existing my own songs. When producers abroad want to produce and mix my music so you understand the what the answer is. It is absolutely not appropriate for me to change the studio when I have the best.

It is about much more than just being good at music when you go to a studio. It’s about the studio that you go to the really understand what you want to do for the music. What you want with the audio.

Big Thank You to : http://musikochproduktion.se/ 


A thousand Thanks to all of you who listen to my music and read my blog it means so much to me.
Here are the links to my 2 new songs :

Have the Best My Wonderful Listeners, and Readers

Many hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂


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